Brass Bookends
I whole heartedly believe that book ends are extremely under appreciated objects. What else would you use to hold up all your literary classics, smartypants?! These can be part of a unique gift when paired with your favourite novel, a mug, and some hot chocolate - everything you need for a cozy winter afternoon. Brass bookends are pretty easy to come across and come in various cool objects, everything from ducks to ships to hands, as pictured below. If you are especially into the ones seen below, you can buy 'em online from a cool Etsy shop here. 
Classic Tea Sets
There is a certain charm that comes in a silver tea set that just can't be explained. Find a darling silver plate tea set and you'll be sure to charm the secret 80-year-old in all of us. Buy the one pictured below here.The Polaroid
Shopping for a special hipster in your life? Antique markets are a great place to find old polaroid cameras, but make sure you do your research first to make sure you can still purchase film for a particular model you find. Helpful Hint - bring your smartphone shopping with you and google it in the store! Buy this one here.
Whoever said records were dead was clearly delusional. Go on a hunt for their favourite artist's vinyl and make their holiday! Buy the always current 'Rumors' as seen below here.
Unique jewelry is definitely one of the easiest things to spot when in the antique world, and it doesn't have to break the bank, but make sure you really look for the good stuff! I always love a good embroidered broach or ring (as picture below, far left). Look for unique pieces that are suited to whoever you are buying for. Way better than receiving some tacky ceramic Santa earrings.
Jewelry Holders
Antique stores are often laden with intricate jewel boxes or ring stands, which make an ideal gift for the lovely lady (or man) in your life. These are great because they are actually useful (unlike that weight loss cookbook you got last year from Aunt June - rude).
That's all for now friends. Grab a cup of tea, head to the antique store and get in the holiday spirit! Happy Hunting!